Explore New tools - BMR ONLINE TOOLS


We have got you exicting update to our tools. New and updated version of tools are available now at BMR ONLINE TOOLS Website.

List of tools available as of 24 june 2023.
  1. Image Converters - PNG, JPG, JPEG, Webp, GIF
  2. Encrypters - MD5, SHA1, SHA224, SHA226, SHA384, SHA512
  3. Encoders - HTML, URL, BASE32, BASE64
  4. Minifiers - HTML, CSS, JS
  5. Text Tools - Case Converter, Word Counter
  6. Unit Converters - Byte, Length, Temperature, Weight
  7. Compilers - HTML, CSS, and JS
  8. IP INFO
  9.  Password Generator
  10. QR Code Generator
We have implementation Code for many tools to make you understands how they are made in many codes.

We have got extra features and more export options and make easy to convert things.

We have got more updates integrated to the converters like store your converted data locally in your browser. Fully secure the data will not be shared to any one not even to BMR.

Many more updated made to the website visit and experience the new version of tools now.


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